Ms. Christine Liu’s motto in law practice is compassionate lawyering, where she focuses on problem solving but not losing sight of her role as a strong advocate for her clients. She strategizes with her clients to pursue the most efficient and cost-effective ways to solve their problems and advocate for their rights. Rather than engaging in full-blown adversarial process immediately, she makes strategic efforts to settle the disputes. When good-faith settlement is not an option, she will take on her role as a fierce advocate for her clients whole-heartedly. Ms. Liu has strong empathy for her clients and understands the financial and emotional stress they go through when they run into disputes or problems they cannot solve on their own. It gives Ms. Liu tremendous satisfaction to use her legal skills to help her clients tread through difficult times in their lives, bring satisfactory resolutions to their disputes, and bring peace and harmony back to their lives.

Ms. Liu is a very professional, responsible, and patient lawyer. She has the ability to analyze clients’ problems and answer their all kinds of questions with her professional knowledge quickly and decisively. Most importantly, in Ms. Liu you have found an attentive lawyer who will understand what you are going through and share your feelings. Fifteen years ago, when I was extremely helpless, I found Mr. Liu in the newspaper. At that time, she quickly helped me solve the problem of collecting my tenant’s rent in arrears. Later, she also helped my friend successfully apply for intra-company transferee L1 and L2 visas to allow him to work in his overseas branch offices in the U.S.. She also successfully helped my relative’s entire family immigrate to the US together in a situation where the daughter aged out and by law should have been prevented from entering into the U.S. with the rest of her family at the same time. As a result of Ms. Liu’s help, the whole family was able to interview at the U.S. Consulate together and move to the U.S. to start a new life together. She is an attorney who has diversified legal skills and practice areas and who is enthusiastic about serving clients in need. Her fees are reasonable. She is a very efficient and reliable lawyer.
F. Deng
10080 N. Wolfe Road, Suite SW3-200
Cupertino, CA 95014